Thursday, 25 April 2013

Poetic vibes

Hi there,

I thought I would give you some poetry today.
One of the reasons why I am  giving you this poetic offering  today is that

I am missing Athi  Patra- Ruga our benign facilitator who  went to Berlin
 to do much needed work ( It's such a hard life  being  fabulous)

On my first day at   Joule City Athi asked each one of us  to do a performance as
a way of introducing ourselves: 
I then   performed this poem which I think defines a little bit of what I am about.
It is also a poem that I do to ground myself when I open my poetry shows.
this poem  has travelled inside me and came out in many stages, cafes, libraries and
its last rendition was here at Joule City so enjoy




If in this world of haste and half-baked stories

We can tell our truth,

It is therefore a right that I am proclaiming

to draw this conclusion that

We have more integrity than we are credited for

We are not the down trodden victim that is often portrayed

In the images of those who wish to define us,


If you choose to look at us with uncontaminated eyes

It is then that you shall remember

That we are of the same earth,

We plant our feet in the same soil

We dance to the same rhythms

A community of different shades and colours,

Yet our beauty is as hypnotising as the shapes of our landscapes.

It is ancient as the ocean yet as new as the sun rises every morning

It is as pure as eyes of children and as genuine as the handshakes of the gods


We Africans are not a distorted chapter in the history of mankind

When you open your mind to our intelligence,

It is then you shall realize that we are not only

a place of painters and poets

do not define me only by my dance

Listen to my words; understand the language I speak,

Then maybe you will find more,



The essence of our people is as infinite as the steps of our ancestry,

We have always been the global citizens

Create a space to re- read our story

We are not misinterpretation of evolution,



Africa is not just a pitiful victim

Our strength does not only lie in pictures we paint

In the songs we sing but it goes deeper,

Into our minds, our integrity, our magnificence

We are a vast community with different shades and colour

but we are of the same earth, raised in the same land

And only when you give us a chance,

not only to dance,

Not only to paint, not only to speak poetry but to participate in the trading, in the driving, in the planning, in the shaping and mending



So my truth lies in the essence of my being,

It is as infinite as the steps of my ancestry,

My story did not begin at the arrival of false civilianization

It is as ancient as the oceans yet as new as the sun rises every morning,

It is not the words of those of who wish to define me,

It is often distorted even in the history books


I am more than my dancing feet,

I am more that my poetic rhymes

My story is not hidden in the stereotypical definitions,

To understand my truth is to understand what makes me beat

It is understand what make me dance

It is to understand what makes me laugh

It is to allow me to occupy this

Space with you and know that we are

of the same earth, we plant our feet in the

same soil

We breathe the same air,

we quench our thirst with the same water

and my truth is as infinite as the steps

of my ancestry.

@Primrose Mrwebi

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